You Can Stop The SON by FAITH

Josh.10:12-14 & Mk.10:46-52



Pastor Of Christ's Bride Tabernacle

Pastor Martins Ainerua

God has to get a man away from the things of the world, so He can get him quiet, so he can listen to God, that still, small Voice. Then, once in contact with God, he becomes fearless then. Notice that he don’t care what anyone says; he’s been in the Presence of God. He knows God in the Power of His resurrection. And then, David, we see him. One day, God permitted a bear to come in and get one of his sheep. David just took after that bear. No doubt but what he prayed, because a little later on he confessed to it. And he prayed and asked God. He was caretaker over that sheep. He could not lose that sheep. And he must save that sheep, at all price. And he grabbed his little slingshot, and took after that bear and killed him. He must save that sheep. You see what God was training him for? God wants His shepherds to save the sheep, regardless what he has to be called and what he has to go through. Save them sheep!

  • God-Called Man ~ 58-1005E

A shepherd has to stray, to find the straying. And a good pastor is a shepherd. Frankly, the—the word pastor means “shepherd.” And sometimes, in the church, a—a little cult or a little clique will rise up in the church; one side will get one way, and one side the other way. A real, good shepherd will go with that clique, (What to do?) to bring them back. A real, true shepherd, what’s he doing? He’ll stray, himself, (What to do?) to bring back the lost. What’s he doing? He’s reflecting the image of the good Shepherd, trying to win that soul back . Yet, they got off in some place, brother, like they was going to tear the world up, overnight. That pastor will go right along, in order to get them right, win them right back this way again. That’s a good shepherd. He’s reflecting the image of Jesus.

  • Images Of Christ ~ 59-0525
  • William Marrion Branham

Associate Pastor Of Christ's Bride Tabernacle

Apostle Samuel Fagbesan

Not for one moment do I bring a message to the people that they may follow me, or join my church, or start some fellowship and organization. I have never done that and will not do that now. I have no interest in those things, but I do have an interest in the things of God and people, and if I can accomplish just one thing I will be satisfied. That one thing is to see established a true spiritual relationship between God and men, wherein men become new creations in Christ, filled with His Spirit and live according to His Word. I would invite, plead and warn all to hear His voice at this time, and yield your lives completely to Him, even as I trust in my heart that I have given my all to Him. God bless you, and may His coming rejoice your heart.

  • An Exposition Of The Seven Church Ages (10 - A Resume Of The Ages)

And, now, I’m not no theologian, not a Bible student by no means, just an illiterate person that loves the Lord Jesus with all my heart. I do not claim to be a theologian or try to take one’s place, but just try in the humbleness of my heart to explain those things that I feel that the Holy Spirit has revealed to me, and I must give to my church. For it’s to my interest that this church grows, that this church is spiritually right. It’s to my interest because this church is God’s interest, and His interest is my interest. So I must see to this.

  • 61-1217 - Christianity Versus Idolatry.
  • William Marrion Branham

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