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Voice of God Recordings

Voice Of God Recordings, Inc. is an inter-denominational ministry that is dedicated to the furtherance of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The primary source of the material that we distribute is the recorded sermons of the late William Marrion Branham, a prophet of God and internationally-recognized evangelist. Our outreach includes Agapao Tablets, Hero Tablets, DVDs, micro SD cards, videos, software, books, tracts, photos, newsletters, and more.

Our Religion is not a history. It's a living fact; it's a living God; it's a living experience.

William Marrion Branham

Our funding is provided by the offerings of independent churches and individuals of like Faith, who believe that it is the duty and privilege of every Christian to spread the Gospel of Christ to a needy world. We do not solicit funds, believing that the Lord will supply according to His perfect will. The circulation of material primarily took place through a network of offices, libraries, distribution centers and direct mailings to almost every country on earth, until the development of The Table app for IOS and Android devices allowed for direct distribution. Now VGR concentrates on delivering Agapao tablets to believers and the translation of Rev. Branham sermons into over 70 languages which are then uploaded to each individual through various methods.

About 95% of all the materials we produce are sent out free of charge. Since 1980, we have printed and distributed about 195 million books, 8.6 million cassette tapes, and an almost innumerable amount of sermons in MP3 and M4A format. We have now translated Brother Branham's Message into more than 70 languages, and there are over 7,700 foreign translated sermons available. More than 13,000 Hero Tablets and 40,000 Agapao Tablets had been distributed by the end of 2020.

Voice Of God Recordings is not affiliated with any denomination and is not supported by any governing church body. We do not subscribe to any man-made creeds and our only “doctrinal statement” is our belief in the absolute authority of the Word of God. We acknowledge only the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can search and ready text sermons Here.

You can listen to audio sermon of Bro Branham Here.

Order Of Service